Have you Heard of Naturopathic Medicine?

What is naturopathic medicine? So you may ask…

Dr. Reem Sharhan, ND
2 min readSep 13, 2022

Naturopathic medicine is a primary healthcare model that integrates ancient wisdom of eastern medicine with modern science and western medicine. As a practice, naturopathic medicine focuses on identifying the root-cause of disease, removing obstacles to cure, and promoting the body’s own abilities to heal itself.

Naturopathic doctors (NDs or NMDs) are trained to diagnose and treat disease, equipped with tools to manage a broad range of health conditions, chronic and acute. NDs spend more time with patients, and listen intently to their concerns while involving them as an active participant in developing and addressing treatment plans and goals.

What makes naturopathic medicine unique when compared to other practices is the therapeutic order - which is a set of a guidelines that help physicians identify and resolve symptoms by addressing underlying issues while using the least force possible.

Before reverting to pharmaceuticals and higher force interventions, which lie at the top of the therapeutic order, naturopathic doctors use multitude of modalities that help establish stronger foundations of health and support weakened systems. These tools are designed to stimulate The Vis, which is the body’s own vital force (i.e. Qi). Some of the main modalities that naturopathic doctors use include but not limited to: clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathy and hydrotherapy and physical manipulation.

​Have questions about naturopathic medicine? Ask away and I’d more than happy to address those questions!



Dr. Reem Sharhan, ND

Naturopathic doctor licensed in the state of California and an herbalist. I write about health, wellness, and alternative medicine. https://www.DrReemND.com